The drama opens by delving into Byeon Mi-rae’s hectic life, where she tirelessly dedicates herself to becoming the perfect employee in order to support her family. Her relentless drive and ambition, while admirable, often lead to overwhelming situations. This becomes apparent when, after a grueling inspection by the mart's CEO, she collapses at work.
During this high-stress inspection, Mi-rae's remarkable rapport with her mother, Ae-yeon, who also works at the mart, catches the CEO's attention. However, the situation takes a turn for the worse when Mi-rae, exhausted and overworked, is carried out by the mart’s young security guard, Nam Tae-pyung, who rushes her to the hospital.
While receiving IV drips at the hospital to recover from her collapse, Mi-rae receives a distressing phone call. The news is alarming—there’s a fire raging in her apartment building. The chaos in her life intensifies as she faces the dual crisis of her health and the safety of her home.
Mi-rae rushes home alongside her mother, her heart pounding with anxiety. Upon arriving, she is relieved to find their loyal dog, Medal, and her younger brother, Hyeon-jae, safe and sound. The sight of her family unharmed brings a brief moment of solace amidst the chaos. However, their relief is short-lived. They are soon confronted with the grim reality of their situation when they discover their landlord deceased in the aftermath of the fire. It was his flat that had been engulfed in flames, and his tragic fate casts a shadow over their relief.
In the days that follow, Mi-rae and Ae-yeon are still grappling with the loss when Ae-yeon receives unsettling news. They have been informed that a new landlord has taken over the property and wishes to meet with her, as well as the other tenants affected by the fire. The prospect of meeting this new landlord adds another layer of uncertainty and tension to their already turbulent lives. Meanwhile, Ae-yeon is preparing for her dead husband’s first death anniversary. As the memorial service for Ae-yeon's ex-husband’s spirit progresses, a man approaches the villa building. The door left open for the spiritual presence of Ae-yeon’s former spouse, creaks as he enters. The service continues with somber dignity as Ae-yeon and her two children complete their rituals, trying to find closure.
Once the ceremony concludes, Ae-yeon’s attention is drawn to the man who has stepped inside. To her astonishment, she recognizes him as her ex-husband, Byeon Moo-jin. The sight of him, appearing unexpectedly amidst their period of mourning, sends shockwaves through her. The man she had long believed to be a distant part of her past has reappeared in the most unexpected and emotional of circumstances. Is this real? How will the family deal with this?
Undoubtedly, the plot is exceptionally intriguing. Its complexity and depth capture the audience's attention from the very beginning, maintaining a gripping narrative that keeps viewers hooked. The story's twists and turns are skillfully crafted, ensuring that each episode builds upon the last with increasing tension and suspense. This masterful storytelling not only holds interest but also invites viewers to delve deeper into the characters' lives and the unfolding drama, making it a compelling and engrossing experience.
Final Score- [7/10]
Reviewed by - Neerja Choudhuri
Follow @NeerjaCH on Twitter
Publisher at Midgard Times
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